Sound Fx
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~Help Index
About Sound Design Systems
Being A Distribution Site
DMF Compiler
Dynamic Message Files
Keyboard speedup
Sound Design Systems Vision
SSD Vision, Mouse
Technical Information
Thanks and Messages
Full Help
~Help item 0
--not used--
~Help item: About Sound Design Systems
Sound Design Systems
Official Information
Version 1.00
(January 11, 1997)
Sound Design Systems is a software company, that makes sound-related
\E1993 September\B The foundation of MegaSoft, which was the original name of
Sound Design Systems.
\E1994 February\B The creation of the utility pack called MegaUtils was started
which contained a very large scale of utilities (everything
from sound to graphics related).
\E1996 March\B FastCD 2.18 beta was released on Chip CD 1996 March.
\E1996 April\B The MegaSoft name was changed to Sound Design Systems and stopped
the working on MegaUtils and started the creation of SSD Sound
Studio that is a sound/music related program package.
\E1996 June\B The creation of Silicium Player was started.
\E1996 October\B The Slovak Antivirus Center became the first official
distribution site.
\E1996 November\B Silicium Player and FastCD were officially released on the
Chip CD 1996 November.
\E1997 January\B The first release of the 97 versions.
The current memberlist of SSD:
\FSentinel of Sound Design Systems:
\EPeter Visontay:\B \9Programmer\B
H-1118 Budapest, Torbágy u. 10. III. 10. (Hungary)
(+36) (+1) 2-466-471
(+36) (+1) 2-466-032
h9490tan@ella.hu (September-June)
Please add the header "Peter Visontay" to the letter if you are
sending e-mail.
\F ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
\F └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
1) All Sound Design Systems products have been \Evirus checked\B with the
newest virus checkers and they have a \9Self-CRC checker\B.
2) All SSD products are \Ecompressed\B with \9PKZIP\B. If you find an SSD product
packed with any other compressors, please do the things that should be
done if a virus is found (see first item of list).
3) SSD products are compatible with \9Windows\B, \9Windows 95\B and \9OS/2\B in
full-screen mode.
4) Please give \EShareware\B version of the SSD products to all your \Efriends\B!
5) If you want your BBS to be a \Edistribution site\B of SSD products, read
\F ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
\F └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
I am looking for \Egraphics artists\B and \Emusicians\B who think that they
could draw/compose for adventure \Egames\B in their free time. I'd like to
release some cool games, but I do not have gfx and musicmen, what makes the
game creation VERY-VERY difficult... So \EI am waiting for your reply\B, if you
think that you are a good composer/graphician. What I am expecting:
\EBackgrounds\B Background pictures (as in any other adventures).
\ESprites\B Many sprite forms, and sprite phases (characters, objects).
\EAnimations\B Sprite animations, \CNOT\B hyper-realistic 3-D 1280x1024 marvelous
raytrace 50 frames/sec animations!
- The pictures can be ANY style (I prefer medieval and horror style, but they
can either be sci-fi or new-age!), the story of the game is not fixed yet.
- The pictures can either be drawn on computer or scanned.
- The best resolution is 640x480, but 320x200 is good as well.
\EModules\B Any type of modules (MOD, S3M, ULT etc.).
- All music styles are accepted EXCEPT techno, rap, acid and other new-style
music styles (sci-fi is good!), since they do not fit into an adventure
game (if I decide to make an other game, they can be possible, too). The
best styles are medieval, horror and rock, but others are good as well.
The style of the game is not fixed yet, so I cannot tell the exact style
now, but I hope it will turn out soon.
- The minimum channel number of musics is four, but the optimal is eight
or more.
- Sound effect making ability is not necessary, but it is very good.
If you want to \Ejoin me\B, do the followings:
- If you are a graphician, send me \Eten\B or more of your \Epictures\B, or if you
are a musician send me \Efive\B or more \Emodules\B.
- Attach your \Efull address\B to your works.
- OR -
- \ECall!\B
- I prefer adventure games, but this \Edoes not mean\B that I would not make
\Eother\B types of games. If someone has a good idea, please contact me!
\F ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
\F │ Do not forget: I am waiting for your reply! │
\F └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
~Help item: Author
SSD Sound Studio has been designed and written by \ESentinel\B \E(Peter Visontay)\B.
If you have \Eproblems\B, \Equestions\B or \Esuggestions\B about the program,
please contact me!
What I mean under...
\EProblems\B Any problems occurred while using SSD products (non-working
functions, bugs, etc.).
\EQuestions\B Any questions about SSD products and SSD (release list, etc.).
\ESuggestions\B Any functions that are missing from SSD products ideas of
new programs.
\EPeter Visontay\B
\EH-1118 Budapest, Torbágy u. 10. III. 10. (Hungary)\B
\ETelephone: (+36) (+1) 2-466-471 or\B
\E (+36) (+1) 2-466-032\B
\EE-Mail: h9490tan@ella.hu (September-June)
Please add the header "Peter Visontay" to the letter if you are
sending e-mail.
If you are a graphician or musician and want to join me, see \ESSD.TXT\B or
help item \EAbout Sound Design Systems\B.
~Help item: Being A Distribution Site
To get information on being a Distribution Site of SSD, please read
~Help item: DMF Compiler
DMFCOMP compiles the \EDynamic Message Sources\B (\EDMS\B) to
\EDynamic Message Files\B (\EDMF\B).
The \Esyntax\B of DMFCOMP:
DMFCOMP[.EXE] dmsfile
The \Edmsfile\B is the DMS file. The output file will have the same name with
\EDMF\B extension.
See also: Dynamic Message Files.
~Help item: Dynamic Message Files
The Dynamic Message Files (DMF) contain the \Emessages\B of a program in a
specified \Elanguage\B. If a program uses DMF technique, its messages are not
stored in the EXE, but in a separate file (DMF). If the programmer wants to
create an other language version of the program, just writes a DMF in that
language, and the program will know that language \Etoo\B. First, the DMF-s
have to be written in the \EDynamic Message Source\B (\EDMS\B) form, and then
compiled to DMF-s with the DMF compiler (\EDMFCOMP.EXE\B).
The structure of the DMF-s:
\E@01=Name of the program
\E@02=Language (in English)
\E@03=Language (in the DMF's language)
\EText 1
\EText 1
\EText 2
\EText 3
Description of the fields:
- Name of the program: name of the program whose the DMF is.
- Language (in English): the language of the DMF in English (e.g. \EGerman\B,
if the DMF is German).
- Language (in the DMF's language): the language of the DMF in the DMF's
language (e.g. \EDeutsch\B, if the DMF is German).
- Copyright: the DMF writer's copyright (e.g. \ECopyright 1993-96 by
The identifier shows the compiler that which message will be the next. The
compiler writes the identifier to a file with INC (Include) extension. This
is important at two times: first, if the program whose the DMF is, is not yet
compiled to EXE. This time the program compiler reads the identifiers of the
messages from the include file. Second, if you are creating two or more DMF-s
for a program, you can accidentally leave out a message from one of the DMF-s.
This is not easy to recognize, so we can recommend to compare the different
language includes after compiling DMS-es to DMF-s, so check if they have the
same content. If not, that means you left out one or more messages from one
of the DMF-s. There is always a tilde (~) before the identifiers.
The text lines: there have to be one or more text lines after each
identifier containing the text of the message. In most cases there is only
one line, but sometimes you may need more lines, where it is difficult to
give all lines an identifier and read the lines from the DMF by the ID - e.g.
in a help, where can be hundreds of lines. In this case just write more lines
after the identifier, and the program will read as many lines from the DMF
and write to screen as there are (if it supports the more-line read at that
Format of the texts:
- Texts without variables: If you simply write a text into the DMF, then the
program will write that text to screen.
- One-variable texts: You may often need texts with \Evariables\B, where the
variable is a string (which is not always the same) which the program
inserts into the original text. For example the \ENow it's 20 o'clock\B
sentence, where the \E20\B is not a built-in text, but always the current hour.
In this case you have to write the following line into the DMS:
\ENow it's %s o'clock\B. The program will change the \E%s\B to the hour. And
if you create for example a Hungarian DMF for this program, you have to
write this into that: \EMost %s óra van\B.
- Multi-variable texts: of course it can occur that you have to insert more
strings into a text. In this case, you have to write more \E%s\B's into the
text and write a number after each. This is important, because if you
want to create a DMF in several languages, and the word order in the
languages varies, the inserted strings will be confused. But if you number
the insertion points, the program will insert the texts correctly.
For example: English - \EThe %s1. element of the %s2 items in the list\B.
Hungarian - \EA lista %s2 elemébôl a %s1\B. This shows that the numbering is
very important.
Plural forms:
- Due to the very big difference between languages, if you are writing a
program that uses singular/plural forms of words, you have to write the
singular and the plural forms \Eseparately\B. For example:
English: One car. Two cars.
Hungarian: Egy autó. Két autó. (!)
Italian: Una macchina. Due macchine.
As you see, the laws of plural forms differ in all the three languages,
so you have to create two items in the DMS:
\9 English Hungarian Italian
\9 ~Singular "car" ~Singular "car" ~Singular "car"
\9 car autó macchina
\9 ~Plural "car" ~Plural "car" ~Plural "car"
\9 cars autó macchine
~Help item: Keyboard speedup
When SSD products are started, they set the keyboard speed to the fastest:
Typematic delay = \E250ms\B
Typematic rate = \E32 chars/sec\B
If you do not want to speed keyboard up, use the \E/NOFAST\B parameter.
~Help item: Sound Design Systems Vision
SSD Vision is a graphics environment written by Peter Visontay.
Some technical information:
- Requires a \EVESA-compatible\B video card with minimum \E512K\B of video memory.
- Works with all \EVESA-emulation\B programs, for example with UNIVESA and UNIVBE.
- Can handle \Eall VESA modes\B with 256 or more colors (default is 640x480
with 256 colors)
- Capable to handle \Ewindows\B, \Emenus\B, \Etexts\B, \Epalettes\B, \Epercent bars\B and more
with a lot of effects: text effects (e.g. texts with shadow), unlimited
number of \Eloadable fonts\B, \Epalette animations\B (crossfade, fade in/out four
ways), etc.
- Does \Enot\B use the \EBGI\B-s (Borland Graphics Interface - that is the
Turbo Pascal's and C's graphics library), it is fully independent.
- Has an \Eergonomic desktop\B.
\Eand more!\B
~Help item: SSD Vision, Mouse
Sound Design Systems Vision handles mouse if a 100% Microsoft compatible mouse
driver is installed. SSD products have been developed using a 3-button Genius
mouse connected on COM1. I used a Genius 9.06 driver.
Recommended mouse drivers: Microsoft, Genius, Logitech.
~Help item: Strings
A string is a sequence of characters.
For example: \Eabc\B, \ESound Design Systems\B, or either \Ewei24'tcp23x3asawe246
In SSD products, there is a capability of \Ecolor strings\B. This is made thus:
Where you want to change the color of the text, insert a backslash (\E\\B) and
a hexadecimal number from \E0 to F\B (decimal: \E0 to 15\B). If you want to use
a text that contains a backslash, insert \Etwo\B backslashes to the text: \E\\\B.
~Help item: Technical information
The program has been developed on the following computer:
Pentium 100MHz, 32M RAM, 2.45G HDD, 15" Axion LR NI, S3 Trio 64V+ (2M, MPEG),
Gravis UltraSound PnP, 6x Sony CD-ROM, Genius ScanMate Deluxe 16.7M Scanner.
The following software have been used for the development:
- \ETurbo Pascal 6.0\B
- \EZSoft PhotoFinish 3.0\B
The following source codes & others have been used:
- Low-level PD \EVESA unit\B from magazine Alaplap
- Low-level PD \ECD unit\B from Internet (creator is unknown)
- \EFonts\B from a freeware font collection from Internet
If you have \Cproblems\B, \Equestions\B or \Esuggestions\B, please contact the creator.
(See in help topic \EAuthor\B)
~Help item: Thanks and Messages
\FI'd like to thank the following people:\B
- \Eflap / Capacala\B for writing such a great player.
- \EPál Iváncsics\B, \ELukács Szende\B, \EGergely Bottka\B and \ERichárd Gróf\B for a
many audio CD-s.
- \EKatalin Szabó\B for many CD-s, for her ideas and a many song lyrics, which
have helped me in the development.
- \EGyörgy Visontay\B for his ideas.
- \ELászló Bata\B for putting FastCD on the Chip CD 1996 March.
- \EAttila Tóth\B for his ideas and support.
- And my favorite musicians whose music has helped me in the hard hours of
\ESkaven\B I hope after your studies of cartoon animation you will write music
\EDés László\B Some people said that there would be a Patika 2. When is it
going to be released?
\EMike Genato\B I really like your "industrial rock" style!
\EBrazil / GURU\B Have a sleep!
\EWindows 95 Believers\B DOS will live forever! (Or at least one or two years...)
\EMr. GoodByteS\B Do you still think Macintosh is the best?
\EHáeN\B Do you still believe in Paintbrush?
Absence, Access Denied, Astroidea, Avalanche, Capacala, Cascada, Coolteam,
Criminal Gang, Cubic Team, Doomsday, Dubius, EMF, Epical, Fairlight,
Future Crew, Goto 10, Grif, JAMM, KFMF, Murmidones, Nooon, Orange, Pure,
Razor 1911, Renaissance, Sanity, Shock, Soft One, Sonic, The Levisionet
Group, Triton, Unicorn, Wild Light, Witan, Xography
And others whom I have left out.
All at Chip, PC-X, GURU, ABCD
In this chapter of the help you can read about techniques that make problems
This section of help contains \EGENERAL\B troubleshooting information, for
\EALL\B the SSD products. For the description of special problems which
belong to a specified program (problems with functions which are \ENOT\B in other
products, refer to help item \ETROUBLESHOOTING!\B in the program's own help.
Q) An SSD product locks up when I start it.
A) There can be more reasons of it:
1) The program's EXE file has been modified. All SSD products have a
self-checking system, so if they are modified, they display a warning
message and halt - EXCEPT if the self-checking system is damaged: in
this case, the computer tries to run the damaged code (which usually
cannot be run) and crashes.
2) There is a system component in the computer (e.g. a special printer)
which causes the program to crash. This happens very rarely - so if you
do not have problems with other programs, that means that this is not a
hardware problem.
3) You have installed a program (e.g. a memory manager), which causes the
program to crash. Though SSD products are compatible with most programs
(due to they do not contain special, software-specific code). Try to
boot clean, and if the problem ends, put REM-s at the
beginning of the lines in AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS, which contain
program startings one by one (and boot after each) - and after which
the program is working, that caused the problem.
4) One or more data files of the program have been modified. SSD products
check ALL data files' integrity, but sometimes they cannot recognize
the errors (the chance of this is approx. one to a million, but it can
~Help item: Full Help